Legendarna kreacja do pielęgnacji skóry zrodzona z pasjido sztukinaszego założyciela, wykorzystująca najlepsze elementy Matki Natury, Morza Martwego. Obudź swoje zmysły wyjątkowym doświadczeniem kosmetycznym #UncommonSensations (niezwykłe doznania)
Uncommon Sensations
Tworząc nasze arcydzieło -417, postrzegamy je jakoa dzieło sztuki, pełne emocji.
Podobnie jak oglądanie obrazu po raz pierwszy, dążymy do tego, aby zapewnić ci wyjątkowe doznania piękna o niezwykłych emocjach’.
Zaczynamy od źródła, Matki Natury, dając ci najbardziej ogarniającą energię pochodzącą z najniższego miejsca na ziemi, Morza Martwego, wykorzystując najlepsze naturalne elementy terapii, troski i czystej miłości.
Drogocenne błoto, kryształowe minerały i eteryczne olejki aromatyczne są selektywnie dobierane i formułowane z najbardziej legendarnym składnikiem natury; otulając ciało i umysł niezwykłymi doznaniami.
„Twoja twarz jest płótnem. Zanim nałożysz na nią makijaż i inne ulepszacze, zadbaj o piękno swojej skóry”.

Zmiana Oblicza Piękna
Urodzony w Izraelu Moty Fridman to uznany w świecie sztuki utalentowany i nowatorski rzeźbiarz. Choć jest obecny na rynku sztuki od lat, Moty zdecydował się wejść w kolejny wymiar piękna: pielęgnację ciała. W związku z tym w 2003 roku założył -417, ogólnoświatową markę kosmetyczną, obecną w ponad 15 krajach, w tym we Francji, Szwajcarii, Rosji, Danii i Argentynie. Modernistyczna filozofia Moty’ego dotyczy nie tylko urody. Moty jest artystą, i jego ciągła pasja piękna i czystości zainspirowała go do stworzenia linii produktów do pielęgnacji, które staną się dla kobiet narzędziem to stworzenia ich własnej sztuki. Produkty firmy-417 są ułożone w takiej kolejności, jak artysta zaczyna malować, począwszy od produktów „do przygotowania płótna”.
Unikalne pochodzenie
-417 to luksusowa i wyjątkowa linia naturalnych produktów do pielęgnacji, stworzonych z naturalnych aktywnych składników i minerałów, pochodzących z najniżej położonego miejsca na Ziemi – Morza Martwego. Nazwa firmy, która stała się międzynarodową marką, symbolizuje właśnie dokładne położenie poniżej poziomu morza basenu Morza Martwego w momencie założenia firmy. Aby stworzyć produkty i preparaty o formułach, łączących w sobie zdrowie i technologię, mających dobry wpływ na zmiany ciała i umysłu, Moty nawiązał współpracę z zespołem chemików z najlepszych laboratoriów badawczych Europy.

Udowodniona naukowo, naturalna skuteczność
Dziś pełna linia efektywnych produktów -417 jest źródłem kosmetyków zarówno profesjonalnych, używanych w spa, jak też skierowanych do osób, które chcą dbać o swoje zdrowie i skórę. -417 czerpie z bogatej i uznanej przeszłości, jednak ciągle rozwija się, stawiając na przyszły rozwój i idące do przodu działania. Wykorzystywanie w preparatach do pielęgnacji urody naturalnych składników o skuteczności, potwierdzonej badaniami naukowymi to współczesna i twórcza polityka firmy.

813 - Miracle Rejuvenation Wrinkle filler
Amazing product !!!
You can see inmidiately a major change in the skin...Love it!!!

813 - Miracle Rejuvenation Wrinkle filler
Nice proudct

813 - Miracle Rejuvenation Wrinkle filler
Perfect product!!!
One of my new favourites!
Will definitely purchase again as soon as I run out of it!

866 - Radiant Intense Cream

866 - Radiant Intense Cream
I save this special Moisturizer for when my skin needs that extra pampering!It is a wonderful cream and I always feel so good after applying it along with the rest of my regime. Very good for those in harsher climates.

827 - Beauty Miracle Sleeping Cream
Feels great on skin, excellent moisturizer.

827 - Beauty Miracle Sleeping Cream
קרם מדהים!! העור שלי מרגיש חלק ונעים

806 - Instant Miracle Recovery Mud Mask
Mas economicos. como los consigo me los envias a mi casa por correo tengo 34 años manchas negra en la zona de la frente trabajao caompo mercadillos expuesta al sol frio 672762687 movil soi de andalucia cordoba contacte por favor

806 - Instant Miracle Recovery Mud Mask
Excellent product love the magnet

806 - Instant Miracle Recovery Mud Mask
המסכה הכי מגניבה שיש!! משאירה אותי עם עור נעים כל כך ומראה רענן וגם כיף להוריד את המסכה בעזרת המגנט

806 - Instant Miracle Recovery Mud Mask
This was one of the very first products that I purchased from -417. I was not disappointed either. This mask works wonders on my skin and I enjoy using it when spoiling myself with a facial.

873 -Detoxifying Firming Mud Facial Mask
Amazing mask, works like magic. I would recommend using it before special events, it makes my skin glowing and super smooth. It literally erases years...wow effect after first use guaranteed.

873 - Detoxifying Firming Mud Facial Mask
What can I say other than FANTASTIC! I use one a week and it keeps my skin so amazingly smooth and clear of blemishes. Easy to put on and take off. I get many compliments on my skin (even tho I suffer from Psoraisis). -417 are simply the best.

873 - Detoxifying Firming Mud Facial Mask
.עור מוצק ברגע

869 -60 Second Miracle Lifting Mask
Very impressed with this mask. I honestly did not think that a mask can have such a powerful effect only after 60 seconds. You can feel it start working within seconds after applying, it penetrates deeply into the skin through the pores instantly. Only 1 minute and the face feels tightened and refreshed, amazing actually. One of the best masks I have tried in a long time, a must have from now on. No fuss, no mess. I would recommend using moisturizing cream afterwards and I found the best one for me was with the combination of -417 Beauty Miracle sleeping cream as I do use the mask late in the evening. In the morning face skin feels soft, refreshed and more firm. Highly recommended.

714 - Miracle Rejuvenation Wrinkle filler
Recently purchased this and I’m already in love! This immediately makes fine lines fade. Best product I’ve found on the market so far!!

812 - Deep Purifying Cleansing Gel
Really pleased with it! It does not dry or irritate the skin and cleans really good. It has a gel texture with a pleasant smell.

812 -Deep Purifying Cleansing Gel
So fresh and light, with an amazing smell! I use this every morning in the shower & my face feels so refreshed afterwards!

819 - Micro Luffa Foaming Gel
This product was amongst some others from my very first order from -417. Although I use the regular Gel Cleanser, I like to have the extra effectiveness of the exfoliation when required. I do like the gentleness of this Gel.

819 - Micro Luffa Foaming Gel
La he probado con anterioridad, tiene micro particular que limpian con suavidad la piel, resultado una piel limpia y suave.

819 -Micro Luffa Foaming Gel
This is one of my all-time favorite cleansers! I love how it feels, it’s not abrasive or harsh on my skin! I use this regularly and my skin is in the best condition it’s ever been!

819 - Micro Luffa Foaming Gel
I have been using this product for more than 2 years. It works very well on my skin. Happy i found the rigt product for my skin

819 - Micro Luffa Foaming Gel
I used this every morning and my face is radiant and feels cool. Have bought other products also. Highly recommended.

968 -Mineral Infusion Hydrating Toner
Really good!

967 -Gentle Nourishing Milk Cleanser
This cleanser is wonderful! I love the fresh & light scent. It’s very nourishing, and doesn’t leave my face feeling dry. I follow this with the toner and my skin feels refreshed & looks healthy again!

859 - Micellar & Mineral Dead Sea Water
It did not work for me. In the winter time, I have some dry-sensitive areas on my face and after I used it, the skin gets red and irritated. Otherwise, it does the job.

859 -Micellar & Mineral Dead Sea Water
לא שורף בעיניים. מריח נהדר
מסיר איפור טוטאלי
הטוב שהשתמשתי עד היום

860 - Mineral Aqua Perfection Face Moisturizer – Normal to Dry Skin
Love it!! It is so soft feels great in skin best moisturizer I've used

860 - Mineral Aqua Perfection Face Moisturizer – Normal to Dry Skin
התחלתי להשתמש בקרם לפני חודשיים, העור פנים שלי כבר לא אדמומי הוא נראה זוהר ובריא, יש לקרם תחושה קלילה ונעימה על הפנים. אני מאוד מרוצה מהקרם

860 -Mineral Aqua Perfection Face Moisturizer – Normal to Dry Skin
כחובבת קרמים וכמישהי שניסתה לא מעט מוצרים, התאהבתי בקרם משימוש ראשון. הוא מדויק למרקם העור שלי, מחליק ומייצב אותו ממש עם פעולת המריחה. נעים למגע, מריח נפלא ועושה עבודה מצוינת! ממליצה בחום עליו ובכלל על כל מוצרי החברה הנהדרת הזו שהיא גם אקולוגית וידידותית לסביבה ולבעלי חיים ומוכיחה שאפשר לייצר שלמות קוסמטית באופן שמיטיב עם כולם.

860 -Mineral Aqua Perfection Face Moisturizer – Normal to Dry Skin
Great daily moisturizer, light texture, absorbs very quickly leaving the skin smooth and soft

867 - Facial Brightening Night Cream
Best product. I love it

836 -Brightening Cleanser & Make-Up Remover
I am also using this product in the night. It brightens up my face and reduces black marks/scars on my face.

818 - Advanced Regenerating Firming Cream
Awesome Awesome Product. I like it a lot.

818 - Advanced Regenerating Firming Cream
vry vyr good

818 -Advanced Regenerating Firming Cream
Very nice texture, moisturizes the skin well, full of great ingredients

818 - Advanced Regenerating Firming Cream
I use this particular Firming Cream when I would like an increase of moisture if feeling slightly dehydrated. It is a favourite I like to use after the Magnetic Mud Recovery Mask also. When my skin feels like that extra boost, this will be the one I go to. It also has a great consistency.

818 - Advanced Regenerating Firming Cream
נעים, ממצק, נספג בקלות

815 -Night Recovery A-Cream
This is a very good product and been using every night. Feels good after using the cream

817 - Multi Active Facial Serum
This Serum has been used regularly under my Moisturisers everytime I use them. I began to use this prior to the Night Serum being available and now only use it in the mornings. This Range is mostly responsible, along with good genes, for my skin looking amazingly young and unwrinkled.

817 - Multi Active Facial Serum
סרום נפלא! הרבה זמן חיפשתי סרום בחברות אחרות וכשקיבלתי במתנה את הסרום שלכם - התאהבתי מייד. אני מזמינה ותוך יומיים מקבלת. כייף אמיתי

826 -Advanced Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream
העיניים שלי זוהרות מחדש! עוזר למראה של תחושת עייפות. כל כך אוהבת להשתמש בקרם הזה

901 -Beautifying Facial Defense Mist – SPF 50
מוצר פשוט מושלם ונח לשימוש

901 - Beautifying Facial Defense Mist – SPF 50
מוצר מעולה!!! תרסיס קליל, מרענן והכי חשוב מגן על הפנים מהשמש. לא משאיר סימנים. ממליצה מאוד

702 -Firming Radiant Mud Mask
Amazing mask, works like magic. I would recommend using it before special events, it makes my skin glowing and super smooth. It literally erases years...wow effect after first use guaranteed.

977 - Aromatic Refreshing Body Lotion
The best body lotion ever! I simply love the fragnance and I have been looking for a long time for this one. And it's not just the great smell. The lotion keeps my skin hydrated and soft for a long time. I highly recommend this one. Thank you -417 for the best fragnanced lotion ever 🙂

977 - Aromatic Refreshing Body Lotion
Very light texture, perfect for warm summer weather, gorgeous smell!

977 -Aromatic Refreshing Body Lotion
Love how light this feels on my skin, and the smell is nice too!

977 -Aromatic Refreshing Body Lotion
Quickly absorbs into the skin, light texture, hydrates the skin very well and a pleasant smell like all of 417 products

978 -Soft & Fresh Moisturizing Shower Gel
Love the fresh delicate smell and my skin is not dry anymore after using it just for a few weeks. This was the first product that I bought from minus 417 after my friend recommended it and fell in love with this company mainly because of their delicate smells and the effect on the skin it does.

833 -Relaxing Nourishing Foot Cream
Great product. Most of the good creams for legs dont have nice smell. this product is very good and it has also very good smell.

833 -Relaxing Nourishing Foot Cream
Love this foot cream. It leaves my feet really soft and it smells so good. I have tried many different foot creams but could not find anything that felt so good on my feet. Now this is the only foot cream I buy.

833 - Relaxing Nourishing Foot Cream
Highly recommended. Smells amazing like majority of 417 products. Nourishes feet really well.

833 - Relaxing Nourishing Foot Cream
It is the best foot creme I ever used! I will stay with this creme. Other foot cremes promise so much but don't help. This one helps my dry feet...finally I found something really good, advertising promise is kept, thank you.

833 - Relaxing Nourishing Foot Cream
I have used many foot creams and have yet to find something that actually works. This moisturizes immediately and the moisture lasts! My feet do not feel greasy after using it which is a huge bonus. Great product. This will be a definite re-order for me!

833 - Relaxing Nourishing Foot Cream
I have enjoyed this cream for a number of years now, and only use this on my feet. It softens, removes dryness, and has a wonderful fragrance. It took a while to find, but this is the only foot cream I will use.

833 -Relaxing Nourishing Foot Cream
The best foot cream I have ever tried! I normally have a very dry and cracked skin on my feet but after I started using this cream it leaves my skin smooth and nourished. The smell is great too. Super product!

838-Anti-Oxidant Hand Moisturizer
Great Product. Found this product while on holiday in Cyprus last year. The best hand cream I have ever used. I have suffered with dry skin on my hands for years and have tried many products but none of them have worked. I noticed the difference after the first application and my hands are now nourished and smooth. Even my husband has tried it and been pleasantly surprised. I would definitely recommend this hand cream.

838 - Anti-Oxidant Hand Moisturizer
This is my favorite product! Plus it smells amazing. My hands always feel nice after using. You won’t regret purchasing

838 -Anti-Oxidant Hand Moisturizer
Smells delicious...softens the skin really well, does not leave oily feeling. My favorite hand cream so far!

838-Anti-Oxidant Hand Moisturizer
Great Product. Found this prodI haven't been very successful in finding a Hand Moisturizer that I've found ticked all the boxes until using this one. It sinks well into the skin and doesn't remain on the surface whilst coming off on everything I touch. It makes my hands nice and soft, especially in fluctuating temperatures. Most enjoyable to use.

844 - Aromatic Balancing Body Scrub - Kiwi & Mango
Il s'en tellement bon que je l'utiliserais tous les jours ! Rend ma peau douce, inutile d'hydratater mon corps, le gommage la déjà fait.

878 -Aromatic Balancing Body Scrub - Ocean
This is by far the best scrub I have tried so far. It was recommended to me by a friend and ever since this is the only one I use. Delicious delicate smell, great texture, leaves the skin so silky and smooth...a really great product.

878-Aromatic Balancing Body Scrub - Ocean
The smell is divine and the skin feels like after a spa treatment so smooth and silky

853 - Aromatic Deep Nutrition Body Butter - Kiwi & Mango
Nice fragnance (my favourite is still Ocean), but in general the body butter from -417 are very good. Thick, moistorizing cream that last several hours.

852 -Aromatic Deep Nutrition Body Butter - Ocean
This product Upgraded my shower 🙂

852 -Aromatic Deep Nutrition Body Butter - Ocean
This cream is wonderful for my very dry hands

852 - Aromatic Deep Nutrition Body Butter - Ocean
A really great body butter! The fragnance is the best, that I have ever had. And it last a long time. Even when I have been excercising and are sweaty. Also a good moistorizing effect.

852 -Aromatic Deep Nutrition Body Butter - Ocean
חמאת הגוף שלכם זה משהו . אני נהנה ממנה מאד. עושה את העור נעים למשך כל הזמן ! מוצר מעולה

852 -Aromatic Deep Nutrition Body Butter - Ocean
Perfect for cooler weather, moisturizes skin very well. Would recommend 417 lotion for hot summer months and this one once weather gets colder. The smell is so delicate!

863 -Anti-Oxidant Rich Mud Butter Body-Hand-foot
Nice product

863 -Anti-Oxidant Rich Mud Butter Body-Hand-foot
Good for my skin

947 -SOS Skin Relief Cream
I have been using this product for several years and will not be without it in my First Aid Kit. I've used it for all types of skin issues and recommended it to many others also. Love the fact that I can heal through using a completely natural product.

947 -SOS Skin Relief Cream
I suffer from Psoraisis and this cream really helps in keeping the patches I have at bay. It also soothes the itchiness I get when patches start. I cannot fault it at all and it is the only body cream I use.

5807 -Intense Volumizing Mud Shampoo
התחלתי להשתמש בשמפו לאחר שפגשתי בו במלון שהתארחתי בו. שמפו מדהים שסייע בהפסקת הנשירה

899 -Recovery Hair Mud Mask
Love this product! I live in a very sunny area lots of damage to hair used this product and it amazing really helps with hair damage and dryness

899 -Recovery Hair Mud Mask
מסיכה מעולה. מוסיפה רכות וחיות

837 -Vitamin Moisturizer for men
Берём постоянно, это просто потрясающий крем, который реально улучшает состояние кожи и предотвращает ее старение, результат ощутим.

5806 -Replenishing Moisture Mineral Shampoo
My hair is soft & feels thicker since I used the product

5808 -Deep Nourishing Mineral Conditioner
Das beste Produkt. ich bin sehr glücklich das ich so ein Produkt gefunden habe.Meine Haare sind wie die Seide....sehr weich obwohl die gefärbt sind.

5808 -Deep Nourishing Mineral Conditioner
After trying many, many conditioners over the years, I was introduced to Mineral Conditioner while in Israel. Finally, I have found a complete, satisfying conditioner. It does what it is suppose to do. My hair feels restored, refreshed, but without a feeling of being covered with chemicals. I also love the fragrance !