Feel the power of clean with soft, silky hair that won’t go unnoticed with this 2-in-1 all natural, vegan hair and body shampoo. Skin care product for men.
Watch it work as a fantastic shampoo to thoroughly clean your hair to a soft, shimmering glow.
Experience it working as a great shower body gel to get you super clean in a hurry without having to fuss with multiple products when all you need is one.
The plant extracts and essential oils really work wonders restoring hair that has lost its more youthful look that you’d really like to have back again.
Enjoy an ultimate sensorial beauty experience:
SMELL A super gentle, buttery, almond scent that doesn’t have ANY feminine characteristics and won’t compete with your chosen cologne of the day.
FEEL Super clean, soft, shimmering hair just like you’ve always wanted and without the hassle.
SEE Your hair revitalized and alive again.