Sensory Beauty

Did you know, according to new research by the Global Wellness Institute, our senses have a direct connection to our mind and body, which can positively impact our mental health? By smelling a pleasant aroma, or feeling a soft texture, it can lead to positive thoughts and a better overall perspective.

Sensory beauty is centered on products that appeal to our senses, potentially opening a person’s well-being. Scents travel directly to the subconscious part of the brain, causing a surge of physical and hormonal reactions. By utilizing the power of aromatherapy, essential oils and perfumes or fragrances, consumers can create a therapeutic experience that helps boost their mood and reconnect their mind, body and spirit.

Skin-care products are a wonderful example when it comes to sensory beauty, there are a number of benefits that go beyond just helping our skin concerns. Numerous senses work together (sight, smell, taste, touch, balance) to form a person’s impression. Smell is greatly associated with memory and emotion, and the aesthetics of products can please our eyes. Additionally, physical touch can express positive messages: it can be reassuring, comforting, calming and pleasurable — even to the point of being able to repress negative emotions and pain. The feel of a product can therefore be critical to the experience created by its user.

By recognizing the potential and utilizing our senses when using a product, we can create plenty of positive emotions that can then start to be associated with that product. This is so powerful, because oxytocin, a peptide hormone that can produce anti-stress effects, is one of the hormones released in response to light touch and may cause a positive response by the body. Other benefits of touch overall can include mood enhancement, improved self-esteem, or even improved cognitive function.

Anti-stress has always been in style, but even more so at this stage, since we have experienced a pandemic, people are looking even more so for stress-relieving products that can be incorporated into everyday life as part of their beauty routines, signaling just how impactful the lack of human touch has affected our mental health. The emotional value in products is becoming more apparent and important.

At -417, we strive for both beauty and wellness experiences that combine touch, scent, visual, and audial stimuli to awaken, relieve, or calm the senses, giving you a well-rounded beauty experience with the highest quality of ingredients to make you your most confident, beautiful self.

This month we are offering FREE travel size 50ml products from our Serenity Legend collection, ranging from hand and foot creams to shower gel to body scrubs and body butters, with a purchase of every full-sized 2 products from the collection. Below are some of our favorite products and beauty tips on how to get the best use out of them.

Feel the ultimate relaxation and soothing experience of pure Dead Sea Mineral Salts after a long day. The salts enhance your skin’s ability to retain water and promotes optimal skin hydration. See a difference in skin and scalp conditions naturally without any of the harsh chemicals most resort to. To use, add in approximately 50 grams as you begin drawing your bath, gently swirling them in the water for best distillation. Bathe for 15 to 20 minutes to enjoy the salt benefits.

Treat yourself to our super-rich Aromatic Deep Nutrition Body Butter enriched with precious Dead Sea water & shea butter. Provides deep nutrition to the skin as well as calming properties. It nourishes and relaxes the skin while protecting it from UV radiations and prevents aging skin. Massage onto clean skin until fully absorbed. We recommend it for daily use.

We love the Soft & Fresh Moisturizing Shower Gel because it removes the unwanted buildup of pollutants, toxins, dirt and grime that you’re subjected to on a daily basis and leaves your skin nourished, relaxed and ready for more intensive treatments. It prevents aging skin caused by harmful chemical-based shower gels, while leaving your skin nourished, soft, and smooth. To use, pour a small amount onto a sponge or into the palm of the hand. Massage over your entire body and then rinse off with water.


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